Claudia Williams


Claudia Williams’ drawings are visual mash-ups of music, people, transport and objects from her daily life. Claudia’s work combines visual and written languages. Repeating images and themes, Claudia always signs, dates and titles her work often fusing song lyrics, album titles and TV programmes. Claudia frequently produces up to 20 drawings in a single series, exhibiting the drawings on her studio wall to create a curated set. Each drawing is done on paper slightly larger than a vinyl record cover, as though Claudia is creating her own greatest hits of music, memories, people and ideas.

Learn more about Claudia's work on the ActionSpace website ⭢

Learn more about Claudia’s Make it Live projects ⭢


A time lapse film of Claudia drawing a portrait with the text ‘Crack Crack Crack’.

Claudia’s self-portrait. This is one of a portrait series of herself and family.

Claudia’s self-portrait. This is one of a portrait series of herself and family.


A gif of Claudia’s drawing series of musicians playing the piano. This series includes Elton John, Barry White, Randy Crawford, Kate Bush, Barbara Dickson, Queen and Aretha Franklin.


Claudia’s black car driving series featuring Dionne, Claudia’s sister.

Claudia’s Trojan records and Atlantic records wall set. This series features John Holt, The Spinners, Delroy Wilson, Dennis Brown and Bob Marley and the Wailers.

Claudia’s Trojan records and Atlantic records wall set. This series features John Holt, The Spinners, Delroy Wilson, Dennis Brown and Bob Marley and the Wailers.


An animation of Claudia’s drawings going up on her studio wall in the order she created and curated them.



Claudia enjoys sharing her drawing practice during live events. For Make It Live, Claudia is exploring online drawing sessions via zoom. Claudia leads these sessions 1:1 or with small groups who share her passion for drawing. Participants from One Trust, a community hub in Wandsworth, and Queensmill School, a co-educational school for autistic children, have joined Claudia for drawing sessions. During these sessions, Claudia uses multiple cameras to document and share her process and her evolving studio wall. Participants create their own work alongside Claudia, drawing on each other for inspiration. Claudia’s love for music also features in these sessions as she shares her music of the day with participants. Al Green, Curtis Mayfield and the Mighty Diamonds have been her recent soundtrack of choice. 

See all events featuring Claudia ⭢

Claudia led 1:1 drawing zoom sessions with One Trust participant John Saunders over 3 months in 2021, sharing drawing practice and inspiring John to echo Claudia’s approach to displaying her work by creating a wall exhibition during each session with the days drawings.

Over Zoom John watches Claudia attach her drawing work to the wall in the ActionSpace studio

Claudia and Johns drawing partnership was so successful Claudia and ActionSpace invited John to co-lead an online drawing event for WAF, the Wandsworth Arts Fringe, in June 2022. The artists spent 6 weeks preparing for the event through weekly drawing zooms, Claudia working in the ActionSpace studio at Studio Voltaire and John from One Trust’s Tooting base.


Mark Lawrence