Mark Lawrence


Mark Lawrence’s live art practice fuses installation and film projections. He combines multimedia art works with props to explore light, movement, colour, shadow and reflections. Mark films the interactions between the materials. He then creates large-scale film projections that become sensory, immersive installations. Within these installations, Mark invites participants to continue creating and experimenting alongside him.

Learn more about Mark's work on the ActionSpace website ⭢

Learn more about mark’s Make it Live projects ⭢


Mark moves his artwork in a rocking motion as he explores shadow and light effects. He is immersed within his film projection.

Mark holds up his ink painting on fabric to explore light, colour and shadows within his film projection.

Mark holds up his ink painting on fabric to explore light, colour and shadows within his film projection.


Mark attaches ripped pieces of coloured paper to a length of tape as part of his ‘Clever the Way It’s Moving’ live installation event at the Barbican Centre.

Mark is immersed within his film projection installation at the Autograph Gallery.  

Mark is immersed within his film projection installation at the Autograph Gallery.  


Mark swings a suspended tubing installation to create moving shadows for ActionSpace’s ‘TubeLines’ live event at Tate Exchange, Tate Modern.


Mark explores the colour and light effects created whilst he gently moves his acetate artwork through projected light.



Mark has led immersive installation events at the Barbican Centre, The British Museum, The Royal Academy of Dance and Tate Exchange at Tate Modern. 

To learn more, explore images and clips of Mark’s previous projects below.

See all events featuring Mark ⭢


Mark leads a series of exploratory moments for participants at ActionSpace’s TubeLines event at Tate Exchange, Tate Modern. He creates coloured light effects by manipulating a flexible mirror within his film projections whilst participants respond to Mark’s performance.


Timelapse footage of Mark’s ‘Clever the Way It’s Moving’ event at The Royal Academy of Dance. Mark invites participants to create drawings on his acetate installation whilst immersed within Mark’s film projections.


Pardip Kapil


Claudia Williams